Can't say that I'm surprised, based on ezboard's history. I take that back - actually I'm surprised they're still around.

And has anyone heard from Freep?

No, but you piqued my curiosity. [link||SJMN], from May:

GUERRILLA MARKETING GONE AWRY: NetSuite, a developer of Web-based software applications in San Mateo, was set to host a press conference at a hotel across the street from SAP's SAPPHIRE customer conference this week in Orlando, Fla.

But that was until SAP got wind of it.

NetSuite claims that the German software giant, a leader in applications for big corporate customers, got the hotel, the Rosen Centre Hotel, to bar NetSuite and its event.

``They are so nervous about NetSuite's momentum and the topic of this event, that they bent over backwards to prevent us from having it,'' said Jay O'Connor, NetSuite's vice president of marketing. ``They tried to muzzle us.''

NetSuite's event, called ``SAP for the Rest of Us,'' is for medium-size business customers, a core market for the privately held software company.

I assume that's him. I hope he's doing well.

Nothing like taking on a monster in the business, but Fearless Freep always was fearless. :-)
