[link|http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/2006/07/27/coulter/index.html?source=newsletter| Salon].
"Goodbye, Ann"

From the "Small Victories Are Better Than None at All" Department comes word that a Greensboro, N.C., weekly has decided to dump Ann Coulter's column.

[link|http://www.yesweekly.com/| Yes! Weekly], which began running Coulter's column last summer, said this week that it's going to replace it with William F. Buckley's. The weekly's editor says that evidence of plagiarism as well as Coulter's nasty comments about 9/11 widows prompted him to think about canceling her column, and that reader opinion in letters and an Internet poll pushed him over the edge.

"Sure," the editor writes, "there will be some who bemoan her absence from our pages and others who will question my decision to pull from our ranks a writer whose book currently sits atop the New York Times bestseller list. And they may have a point -- she's sold a lot of books. But I'm not gonna be helping her do it anymore. So goodbye, Ann. It's been a wild ride."

Yes! Weekly may not be the biggest fish in the pond, but [link|http://editorandpublisher.com/eandp/search/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1002912730|Editor and Publisher] sees a "pattern" developing: Over the course of the past few weeks, dailies in Augusta, Ga., and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have dropped Coulter's column, and Louisiana's Shreveport Times is said to be thinking about it.

We're pretty sure that proves that all of their editors are gay.

-- Tim Grieve
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