Remember that the Admin Had No Slightest Interest in even appearing to be 'of assistance' to: a State of the union whose GNP is usually larger than [whatever: 7th? 9th? largest GNP in world] Mr. Laissez Faire, y'all. Remember? I sure do + a couple Senator types, seems so too.
What you're missing, Ash, is the reason why California was allowed to fester. It wasn't laissez-faire, Reganesque, shit-trickles-downhill voodoo economics by a "true believer", nor was it quid pro quo for a job well done in helping Bush become the Selected Resident. (Although you can bet that both were contributing factors...). It was simply that California's umptee-ump electoral votes went for Gore.
The Resodent got 'im a mean streak in 'im.