It's a laser readin a surface.
Just the scrolling is 2-D via teeny button.
It's thus kinda like a '52 Morris Minor. With alloy wheels.
That's the way some of us view the persistence of mousing.
Still, all those pounds.. of Meat:
arm, shoulder, hand and other muscles have to drag the whole thing very very often
(seems it will now work even on those famous plaids worn by so many digital-watch wearers. Woo-f)
A Morris with electric windows.
Might'nt it work on any *nix, though? less'n the ap has to have been conceived as MM-aware to accomplish the sexy [link|| demo].
But if it's really happy only on OS-X and its aware-aps - why's this in the Doze room?
Yes, All Know that some do not Like using the thumb - but for me a Trackman Marble is like taking baby from candy. The camps have duelled many times, but as to the {ugh} granularity re pixel-pushing - is that any more than a sensitivity-setting away? Maybe that double-squeeze-thingy's menu could toggle Hi / Lo speed. Just like one's auto transmission.
The Mouse-averse Universe