You mean the question may not even be asked .?. whether Bush+Cheney+Lay somewhat participated.. in that roundabout way that these things just sorta happen.. with the net effect over some months of,
Getting Us ??
Remember when Frito-Lay and his Texas buddies were raping California? Last year - recall? It was about [oil] er Energy. What did Enron 'do' for a Lavish Living? May not be relevant that these meetings occurred quite early in the new admin, of course. But one might be prompted to find out - mightn't one - especially when AT THE TIME:
Remember that the Admin Had No Slightest Interest in even appearing to be 'of assistance' to: a State of the union whose GNP is usually larger than [whatever: 7th? 9th? largest GNP in world] Mr. Laissez Faire, y'all. Remember? I sure do + a couple Senator types, seems so too.
So now your morose essay above certainly implies "gosh it must all be about Getting Bush" / politics as usual ie
Nothing to See Here? Move On?
Of course there are 'Exec Principles' involved. But there are principles and Other Principles like: To just what extent is Enron the tip of the iceberg? Hey = even those self described 'Conservative' 'Republican' 'Businessmen' cannot get folk to buy their stock IF everybody gets the strong inference that: all the time it has been rigged. And maybe not just by One of the Five major firms who Account and er Advise << thanks to a successful quashing of the SEC's desire to STOP that incestuous mix. Just last year, coincidentally.
So.. which of the above Principles gets the squeaky [oil] this time?
Moderates Want to Know
(Sometimes paranoids don't fear enemies so much as.. better accountants?)