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New When was the snowstorm in Santa Clara County?
Late Seventies, had to be -- I was living there.

I do *not* consider myself a skilled snow&ice driver, but can muddle along if the challenges don't get too great. An icy I-380 is a wonder whose details I have, mercifully, let the backup storage media deteriorate on.

Or did that wander in from another dimension? I have this distinct vision of the hills above SLAC with a coating of white stuff, and one of the hyper-pretentious houses built in vaguely Tyrolean style looking properly placed for the first and probably only time in its existence.
New Remember that one - northwards.
Was in Berkeley hills (Kensington - the academic ghetto) for that. Pix of the place all in white, and view of all 3 bridges in the white mist, later. Snowballs!

Don't recall how much hit the flatlands, then - but S Clara be pretty flat so .. I guess snow was all over the Bay area.

Elev. here is only ~ 120' IIRC and we may get more tonight, judging by sky, temp and the rumored Arctic stuff heading in.
(must be hell on the homeless, however beautiful for those who can call it 'cozy')


     *SNOW* in Sonoma County___\ufffd___\ufffd___\ufffd___\ufffdnow!___\ufffd___\ufffd___\ufffd - (Ashton) - (9)
         Snow up here, too! - (inthane-chan)
         enjoy while you have it -NT - (boxley)
         When was the snowstorm in Santa Clara County? - (Ric Locke) - (1)
             Remember that one - northwards. - (Ashton)
         And in NYC, we are wondering where winter is - (ben_tilly) - (4)
             Same here (Ohio) - (wharris2) - (2)
                 Sssh! Not out loud! (Damn, too late.) - (drewk) - (1)
                     LOL - (wharris2)
             Record high yesterday here in Detroit - (admin)

I'm away from zIWT for a day or two and look what happens! That'll learn me.
47 ms