Personally, I hold that demographics are the best evidence.
If a population that lives on pig fat (or coconut oil or whatever) doesn't have the symptoms indicated by theory, then the theory should be hauled up for serious questioning.
Instead, supporters of the dominant "medical knowledge" attempt to find an "unusual circumstance" in that population to explain why the theory isn't working.
When it was pointed out that the Inuit live on meat and blubber but don't have the predicted health problems, supporters of the AHA and others claimed, without evidence, that this population must have evolved a special immunity, ignoring that when they are "civilized" and fed a standard American diet high in transfats sugar and polyunsaturated oils they end up with the same problems regular Americans have.
Everyone should take Einstein's advice to the young Heisenberg as seriously as Heisenberg did. "That's not how scientists work at all. A scientist comes up with a theory and then attempts to devise experiments that prove the theory".
Of course Einstein spent the rest of his life regretting that wisecrack, but that's his problem.