Just got back from visiting my brother in Wisconsin. Had a great time. My nephew(11) expressed interest in making a video game, so teaching him how was one of the many things I did while up there.
We used a language called [link|http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showforum=65|batari Basic] which was created last year to make it easer to write games for the Atari 2600. Normally the 2600 is programmed using 650x assembly language, and you have to generate the video display line-by-line as there's no video RAM. batari Basic generates the video display for you, with the limitation of large blocks for the background graphics, 2 sprites, 2 missiles and "ball"(think pong). It also provides simple commands for testing for collisions, reading the joystick and so on.
The game my nephew came up with is called [link|http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=90213|Deathstar Break In], where you play as Darth Vader and are defending the Deathstar against the rebels.