But, throughout my tenure - there has always been a persistent strain (some say plurality) of dedicated Know-nothings; their megaphones have been raised order/magnitude to stentorian levels by the same transistors as make our screeds possible. Many of these could not name one entry in the 'Bill of Rights', let alone explain one. Defend? - hardly: sneer-at.
Add-in the utter humo(u)rlessness of many: nope, these folks Love Authority - long as it's Their Authority. Fox be their Gospel, never 'amusing'. The Sceptered Isle has its share of these; I trust still not so huge a one (?)
No 'melting pot' here - of cha cha "tolerance for diverse valuez" cha: nope, only armed compounds, in stasis / usually not actively shooting. Until things get tough, next. I expect no singalongs in the Underground in these parts, just continued but nastier turf wars, enhanced via the beloved hi-tech gunnery that is Everywhere.
Oh well, anything for excitement: our motto.