Having (now) read all the CVRs at tailstrike from ~'62, including -
helpful FOs accidentally switching on Go-Around programs while Pilot is tryin to land -
shine-monkeys leavin duct-tape over All the pitot tubes after a wash/polish -
cargo planes with 3? of the 72 tie-down hooks actually used -
insouciant ones in-a-hurry, Daring evident wind-shear - yada

There's lots to be said for moving about in something that weighs under a million pounds.. and where only You gets to make all the mistrakes.

And the quality of banter! :-/ amongst those oft-bored minions.. makes the punniest day on IWE seem almost Pythonesque, y'know? Ain't there No *literate 'Pilots' ay-tall??

*Ah yes, there was One:
a wise Chinese Capt. trying to impart wisdom to the grasshopper he was letting land his kiloton charge. A bit prematurely, alas.