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New Scaling data access for Web 2.0
O'Reilly did a series of brief profiles of how different fairly well-known companies have tackled the problem.


An interesting series of reads. The comments are worth reading as well.

a very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything but not enough to do nothing. -- Warren Buffett
New That's a really interesting set of reads.
"Insert crowbar. Apply force."
New Also a good set of listens
The content from several of those is available on MP3, if you google around for them by author name + "podcast".
     Scaling data access for Web 2.0 - (ben_tilly) - (2)
         That's a really interesting set of reads. -NT - (static)
         Also a good set of listens - (dws)

When you're as high-strung as I am, you should be paid to keep smoking.
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