The "they [=big corps] are the ones doing to most to improve the situation" bit -- it sounds almost as if you thought they're doing it all by themselves, outta the goodness o' their hearts.
When in reality, as you probably very well know -- only, that never seems to come out the first thing you say, does it? -- they only do the absolute minimum they *have* to do, forced to do so as they are by the lawmakers.
So, is it *really* the Big Corps "doing the most", or is it the legislative? Could well be argued that the Big Corps aren't "doing" anything at all -- but just *stopping* doing what they've done so far, i.e, polluting the environment we *all* have in common.
Even the most rigorous laissez-faire reading of Adam Smith doesn't say they're necessarily in the right to do whateverthefuck they want to an atmosphere that isn't *theirs* to destroy in the first place, does it?
I think even ol' Adam hisself, had it been pointed out to him that clean air to breathe isn't necessarily an infinitely self-replenishing good, would agree.
Yeah, so the Big Corps are even less reined-in in SouthEast Asia, in places like Hong Kong and Singapore. So what? That still doesn't make the atmosphere that Big Corps have been polluting the *private property* of those Big Corps, does it?
It doesn't make the fact that some of them, forced to do so by new laws, are *destrying less* of it than they have so far, anything to go all Rah-rah about, does it?
But *that*, a continual Rah-rah "Go Big Corps, Go!" is what most of your posts *sound* like. Is it that you really *believe* that, or do you just not *know* that that's what you sound like? Which is it?
Not that I know for sure which would be worse, of course...