A 1969 NTSC (i.e. US) TV should still be able to receive (non-HD) over-the-air NTSC broadcasts just fine. [link|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTSC|NTSC] is NTSC. Now the tapes I have no doubt would not play in a recent VCR if it's anything like an [link|http://www.cedmagic.com/history/ampex-signature-v.html|Ampex Signature V].
My guess is that if the tapes are good and the tape player still works then he can feed the output signal from the player into a PC with a video capture card and save it to a MPEG4 or similar format.
Alternatively, he could just grab it off of [link|http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4166049933953240830&q=neil+armstrong+apollo+11|video.google.com] or similar places. It's likely to be in higher quality than his tapes.
HTH a bit.