Thomas seems to construct queries and not expose the URL...
I'm not able to find a way to get the page without a search. To find it, go [link|#|here] and search for "Grand mosque seizure, November 20, 1979, in Mecca." You'll get 1 result, " 1 . THE OFFICIAL TRUTH SQUAD -- (House of Representatives - June 13, 2006)" Click on that link.
An excerpt:
Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the opportunity once again to come before the House. I want to thank the leadership and the conference for their providing us the opportunity to come and talk this evening for a while and share some views with the Members of the House about a very important topic.
We have coined this on occasion the Official Truth Squad. This is the House Official Truth Squad, the Republican conference Official Truth Squad that grew out of a general frustration on the part of many Members of the freshmen class, 25, 26 strong, who are now about 18 months into our first term in Congress.
And after about 6 months, we met and shared conversation and thoughts about the House of Representatives and where we are going as a Nation. There was some real concern about what we sensed as the politics of division and the politics of deception that seemed to be practiced by many here in this Chamber and across the land, frankly.
So we organized what we called the Official Truth Squad and come to the floor of the House on many occasions, as often as possible, at least try to do it at least once a week. We broadened that participation in the Official Truth Squad, Mr. Speaker, because I think other Members of the conference felt that was an appropriate thing to do, to try to bring some light, shed some light and truth on the issues that we talk about here in the United States House of Representatives, because it is so doggone important to make certain that we have truth and facts when we are talking about issues. Because if you don't have the right facts, the truth of the matter is, it is tough to get to the appropriate solution.
They've had at least 14 sessions of this "Truth" pablum.
AFAIK, Rangel first introduced the bill in [link|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HR_163|2003], while he's been in the House since 1971. ;-)