We are unwilling to forego the delicious pre-trial in the press, of anyone ever noticed prolly doing something Odd - as the UK enforces upon its paparazzi. Even after OJ. Of course logic has nothing whatsoever to do with.. all human affairs.
Still, as Kirk said to Spock in an early series (on being reminded of mankind's propensity for self/foot/shoot/in)
Yes, we're killers! But each day I can get up and resolve, "today I will not kill" !!
Yes.. we're voyeurs! But today..
not That curious about this kid. We have our ongoing home-grown Fundamentalists whose work is never done. The resultant misery just doesn't make prime time til one o' theirs offs some Dr. or Queer or ... other 'God-damned\ufffd' victim sacrifice.. Y'know?