I'll be buying it in a couple days when my AMEX starts its next billing cycle.
So far I have XP running on it. Network transfers seem a bit slower than under OS X, but nothing terrible. I've installed Firefox and iTunes so far. iTunes was able to see my iMac' s library and I was able to play music and videos (even hi-def 720p ones!) over the network without any problems. The hi-def videos had some occasional jitter and shearing that are not apparent when I ran the same video using the MacBook's OS X copy of iTunes. Just for grins I put some videos the MacBook's OS X's iTunes and set it up to share. I then ran iTunes under XP where it saw and played back the video. The normal videos played back fine, but the hi-def videos had a much much bigger problem with jitter and shearing.
When I initially set up Parallels and switched XP to full-screen(which transitions using the Mac's "rotating cube" effect), I changed XP's resolution to 1280x800 to match the MacBook's display. When I switched back to windowed mode, the display remained 1280x800. My MacAddict arrived today and included an overview of Boot Camp and Parallels. It had a side box with "Tools Rule" that said to start the Windows VM, then switch to OS X(while leaving Windows running) and go to Parallel's menu bar and select the option "Install Parallels Tools". Doing this causes XP to install some new drivers for better integration with the Mac. MacAddict didn't know what all it added, but I noticed right away that after doing this XP's screen resolution automatically changed based in weither it was windowed or in full-screen mode.
I need to track down my OS/2 or eComStation CDs, they got packed away when I gave lincoln my old PC. Hopefully I can find my eCS registration keys as well.