The certified section . . .
. . is open only to produce growers who are certified to be selling only stuff they grew themselves. The uncertified section is sort of a mini fair open to anyone to sell anything, including politics and religion.
The Scientologists are there "of course" because Los Angeles is the heart and center of Scientology - the place just swarms with the poor suckers. They never miss an opportunity to set up a booth and an E-Meter to attract more poor suckers.
A number of scientologist have me maintain their computers, I suppose because I'm willing to treat weirdos like humans, so I see a lot of their documents just in the line of work. They are not happy folks. All their documents seem to be complaints about each other, general bickering, appeals to authority to punish each other and complaints that official protocols are not being followed.
These folks really do have severe body thetan problems and they are not getting clear no matter how much they're paying.