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New I think Jason was keeping it in his sock drawer
For a rainy day. :-)

-scott anderson
New Re: I think Jason was keeping it in his sock drawer
Yep, it was an older Slot A that I had sitting around that I had upgraded to an 850 beforehand. Not perfect, but better then nothing.

I'm actually going to Fry's to pick up some more memory, and check prices on the higher MHz CPUs (Slot A goes up to 1 GHz).

Anyways, seems much perkier.


My pid is Inigo Montoya. You "killed -9" my parent process. Prepare to vi.
     New Athlon 650 installed - (admin) - (3)
         Speed looks good, but . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             I think Jason was keeping it in his sock drawer - (admin) - (1)
                 Re: I think Jason was keeping it in his sock drawer - (jlalexander)

My God... that pizza combo is full of stars...!
30 ms