... and I regret not making time to see it at the cinema. It would have been a rewarding cinema experience.
That said, I liked how true to the book they stayed. As a nod to the fans, pretty much all of the 'little moments' were preserved - specific lines, for instance. This was good. Easy to do and faithful to the work. Lucy's sense of wonder when she makes her first visit is wonderful.
My wife thought the battle was a bit short, but I disagreed: the second Harry Potter made (what I thought was) the mistake of wasting screen time on effects. LWW didn't do that. The battle was a long as it needed to be and no longer.
There were a few niggles. I didn't like way they did the tree spirits. Father Christmas was barely recognisable as such. They played up the wardrobe itself far too much when we first see it, IMO. Silly little things.
I'm looking forward to subsequent films. As good as LWW is, all the other books have better realized stories.