As a counterbalance to these warm fuzzy cat stories.
My house was a bit warm. So I opened the windows.
I have screens, but not the most secure clips.
I have 5 cats. 5. 5 Godamn cats. I should have
4, one for each person on the household. It
seemed that one was on his way out, so Barb cracked
and got another one to early.
I was at a movie. I was supposed to be home by
4PM to deal with stuff. My cell phone started
ringing at 3:45. Screw that. It was on vibrate
mode. Hit end call. I was watching the last minutes
of "The Davinci Code". Not as bad as they said.
I got out of the movie to hear a frantic Barb
telling me that Pumpkin and Chris were gone.
Went out the window that I left open, so it's
my fault. And that I better never leave a window
open again.
Shit. Screw that.
I responded that I would continue to leave windows
open and if she didn't like it we should just get
rid of the cats. Yeah, I was in bastard mode.
I really like Chris (aka Spaz), but Pumpkin I could
do without. Pumpkin is a mean cat, likes to slice me.
Spaz is a love, I'll miss him.
So I get home, Barb leaves, needs to go to work, and I
start exploring. I figure I'd cover more territory on a
bike, and get a bit of exercise while I'm at it.
I meet a bunch of neighbors in a 4 block radius, and
ask them to keep an eye out.
Ben calls: Spaz is here, get home!
Huh? Seems like he is hanging out on the side of the
house. Ben and I try to corral him, no luck.
He tried to run into the window, but they've been closed.
He then runs away. DAMN!
We gather the 3 remaining cats and place them in the litter
area and shut the door. We then open the windows and doors
and wait. I take Ben to a friends to play cards.
The EGC comes home. I was told (on NO uncertain terms) that
I was not to tell her that the cats were gone. But what the
hell do I say about the open door and windows?
The truth.
She takes it well. We go to CVS for "feminine products" and
pick up a couple of flash lights for her to use while search-
Barb comes home, EGC uses the situation as a tool to twist
Barb a bit. I ignore,
Barb and the EGC go out.
Spaz shows up. Simple as that. I hear him, he's in the house.
I see him, we're done.
Quick, shut the doors. Do I care about Pumpkin? Naahh, we
have cat equilibrium, one for each person. Yes!
I call Barb, tell her.
Barb and Ben come home. Barb asks about Pumpkin, wondering
what to do.
Me: Do? Lock the damn door - we have cat equilibrium!
Ben: If Pumpkin showed up he'd toss her out with telling us.
Me: (Smile) Could be.
Barb: Huh - You didn't, did you?
Me: You'll never know.
They go to bed. 10 minutes later, Pumpkin shows up. Must
have been asleep somewhere.
DAMN! We no longer have cat equilibrium.