Uh, yeah... about that.
For the life of me I can't figure out [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=253201|what your point there is]. It just doesn't parse. It's just a bunch of disjointed knee jerk reactions. Do you really expect me to respond to knee jerk reactions? It all makes about as much sense as Ahmenijad's recent screed.
Actually, I thought you must've been stoned out of your gourd when you posted it. But now you actually expect a response? Try reading it - when you're sober - and then tell me you think there's something to respond to in there.
The only halfway coherent thoughts I could pull out of all that were: one, you've got Bush Derangement Sydrome really bad, and two, you seem to think substance abuse is a victimless crime. When I get around to it, I'll give the whole notion of victimless crimes the righteous pummeling it deserves. Starting with alcohol abuse.
Regarding the Bush Derangement Syndrome: get a grip. Your perception is not the same thing as reality.
As for the rest, could you please rephrase, in more... er... syntactically straightforward terms?
Or, here's another approach. Try formulating *your* way of looking at things into a brief essay. What's *your* fundamental premise? Do you even know? Because *I* can't make out where you're coming from at all.
As Winston Churchill would say, your pudding has no theme.
4 out of 5 Iraqis choose democracy!
If you don't like my posts, don't click on them.
Never mind the AP. Here's the real Iraq reporting: [link|http://michaelyon.blogspot.com/|http://michaelyon.blogspot.com/]
"The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resort, decide the contest." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense