Sounds impossible, right? Well here is a pure SQL solution for Oracle (using several non-ANSI extensions, of course):
\nSELECT some_id\n , SUBSTR(txt, 3) as concatenated_text\nFROM (\n SELECT some_id\n , SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(some_text, ', ') as txt\n FROM (\n SELECT some_id\n , some_text\n , RANK() OVER (\n PARTITION BY some_id\n ORDER BY order_id\n ) as id\n , RANK() OVER (\n PARTITION BY some_id\n ORDER BY order_id DESC\n ) as r\n FROM some_table\n )\n START WITH id = 1\n CONNECT BY PRIOR id = id - 1\n AND PRIOR some_id = some_id\n )\nWHERE r = 1\n
I got the idea for this from [link||] but working out the details wasn't as simple as I thought it would be. (Plus his formatting was horrible.)