[link|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers|Starship Troopers]
Very nice. Starship Troopers is actually a hard book to understand because it is nothing but a political tract in a scifi format. It is very easy to mistake or trivialize Heinlein's posistion. The article manages to get this across without taking a side for or against the book.
Personally I think the book goes a bit far in glorifying the military. In particular, the way in which military service is essentially required to get the right to vote strikes me as going to far. In theory other types of service are possible, but it is up the government to decide what sort of service it needs from you, opting out of military service is not possible and it appears that the vast majority serve in the military.
And it is obvious that Heinlein intentionally setup a relentless, and inhumane foe for his soldiers to fight. I don't think this is any form of racism, but simply a desire (concious or not) to setup a foe that justifies the militarism of his society.
The same goes for many of the complaints that the society he describes is a military dominated government. It isn't clear from the book who started the war, but it is clear that neither side has much interest in taking prisoners. And in such a massive and genocidal war it is inevitable that military concerns dominate everything.
On an unrelated note, Wikipedia really needs to lock down articles the day they are a featured article. Prior to today the article was running one or two minor tweaks a day. Today they are already more then 150 edits, many of which where nothing but vandalism.