Post #253,350
4/25/06 11:26:31 AM

For the record.
Having seen the aftermath of certain events unfolding this morning, and those who saw such events will know of what I speak, and not speak any more of them beyond what I have already seen...
I just wanted to let The Powers That Be know that I, for one, appreciate the work and effort that has gone into maintaining and keeping this system going. I know it is a labor of love for a small core of people with skills and resources far beyond any that I can hope to muster at this point in my life.
Thank you.
When somebody asks you to trade your freedoms for security, it isn't your security they're talking about.
Post #253,352
4/25/06 11:42:04 AM

Well said.
I also greatly appreciate what Greg and Scott have been able to do here. We all have time constraints (says he who has a tiling job in a bathroom that's been half-done for about 3 years now), and would all wish for an extra 24 hours per day, but that's not going to happen. I'm amazed at how well Z and knight and all the rest have continued to work over the years.
Thank you.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #253,375
4/25/06 3:09:32 PM

Thanks, Greg and Scott
I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy :-) Amy
Stop looking at my signature!
Post #253,378
4/25/06 3:52:35 PM

Forever and ever. Amen.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #253,383
4/25/06 4:26:46 PM

Not that I know what the heck you're talking about...
...but I rather think I agreee (and strongly suspect that if I *did* know, I'd agree even more).
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Yes Mr. Garrison, genetic engineering lets us correct God's horrible, horrible mistakes, like German people. - [link||Mr. Hat]
Post #253,428
4/25/06 8:07:55 PM

For sure, same here, you guys rock. Z rocks.
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
Post #253,438
4/25/06 10:05:02 PM
4/25/06 10:06:01 PM

....not always able to visit here as often as I like, but truly appreciate all the admins do to keep IWT up and running!

Edited by slugbug
April 25, 2006, 10:06:01 PM EDT
Post #257,674
6/4/06 1:01:53 AM

Same here
I've been less frequent to this place, but none the less appreciative of it's existence.
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #253,444
4/26/06 1:22:12 AM

joining the choir
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #253,450
4/26/06 7:47:50 AM

Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #261,122
7/9/06 3:39:54 AM

Chiming in
There's even a (one o'them famous) metric for the quality of this here operation:
A couple weeks back: Yahoo finally discovered the *threaded forum* !! a vast improvement over its previously unSearchable flat hodge podge, but a shadow of zIWE. (Several of those are repositories for special-interest lore as cannot be found elsewhere; like, material from some of the people who built the gadgetry of interest. But Yahoo still allows the earliest material to gradually evanesce - to keep even the active forums-with-a-Purpose to an arb size.) Get it on CD or lose it: mantra for the Age.
And yet.. and yet - their New Improved search ain't nowhere near Ours.
Thanks again, boffins.
After The Collapse... this collection will be essential, to form a more perfect civilization, promote the heat-death of hype, feed the proles, erase all trace of ___ and ___ and to assure the end of Closed Source / patented-thought: within those virgin nascent Neurons. How's THAT for an existential Mandate, eh?
Post #261,343
7/12/06 1:25:52 AM

They discovered it allright
A couple weeks back: Yahoo finally discovered the *threaded forum* !! a vast improvement over its previously unSearchable flat hodge podge, but a shadow of zIWE. But it's annoying as all get out. Now the threads are all at the bottom, making you scroll forever if you want to read live any sort of thread, and also they no longer change threads if you change the topic title, you actually have to start a new topic and such to get it to change threads. Totally annoying. I'm still reading it live by the number, not the thread. Maybe it works for those in e-mail, but forget it live. Brenda
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." -- By Geoffrey F. Abert ****************************
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind, don't matter - and those who matter, don't mind." -- By Dr. Seuss ***********************************
"Sometimes it takes a whole lot more strength to walk away than to stand there and fight." -- By the character of John Abbott: said on Young & Restless on 5/19/06 *********************************