Post #253,227
4/24/06 11:22:24 AM
New Presidential Candidate
I worked for this guy in France. I'll be interested to see how far he goes.
[link||Black Bag Operations Log]
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Post #253,229
4/24/06 11:25:09 AM
Bah, we should just run Cthulhu/Nyarlhotep in '08.
Post #253,233
4/24/06 12:11:45 PM
Bumper sticker I saw: Republicans for Voldemort.
Post #253,242
4/24/06 1:18:31 PM
I want! I want!
Stop looking at my signature!
Post #253,243
4/24/06 1:25:53 PM
a possible [link||source]
They have [link||T-Shirts] as well.
Post #253,244
4/24/06 1:28:16 PM
Here ya go. 8.2 kB .img
[image||0|Republicans for Voldemort|180|240]
Available [link||here] and elsewhere. (I don't have one myself and have never dealt with that vendor.)
Cheers, Scott.
Post #253,245
4/24/06 1:36:09 PM
Thank you both very much
I shall be wearing a snide smile all day.
Stop looking at my signature!
Post #253,275
4/24/06 4:05:48 PM
Snide...or Snape?
Post #253,276
4/24/06 4:07:41 PM
Stop looking at my signature!
Post #253,246
4/24/06 1:52:13 PM
Do you think they'd accept the nomination?
Based on my experience, I'm pretty clear I know where Kacz stands on illegal immigrant labor (given that he BS'd me about the legality of my employment - no it was not legal - the promised work permit was never applied for) and drug policy (based on him supplying the "company going on life support" party).
He's also extremely abrasive.
[link||Black Bag Operations Log]
[link||Artificial Intelligence]
Post #253,266
4/24/06 3:16:27 PM
Name's too 'ethnic'...It'll never fly
jb4 "Every Republican who wants to defend Bush on [the expansion of Presidential powers], should be forced to say, 'I wouldn't hesitate to see President Hillary Rodham Clinton have the same authority'." — an unidentified letter writer to Newsweek on the expansion of executive powers under the Bush administration
Post #253,313
4/24/06 8:19:23 PM
Trivial deal-breaker
The New Yorker used to employ little humorous filler paragraphs to fill out the last column-inch or two at the end of one of its intelligent but interminable John McPhee or Elizabeth Drew dissertations. One recurring gag was "Press Releases [or Solicitations, or Invitations, or Direct Mail Appeals, etc] We Never Finished Reading." When I got to I've been literally buried with responses from the Craigslist post... Well... cordially,
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.