PC Power and Cooling is very good. High quality stuff and you can get very quiet PSs from them. They're not cheap though. [link|http://www.pcpowercooling.com/products/power_supplies/index.htm| PCPC power supplies]. I bought a 300 W for my 486 SCSI system several years ago (the system would die after showing about 3 words of the first BIOS message - the original PS died) and it's been on 24/7 since then with no problems.

I've put together a couple of systems with an InWin Q500 case. It comes with a 300 W PS which works fine with P3 and Athlon motherboards. I added 3-80mm case fans to keep things cool. [link|http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduct.asp?submit=manufactory&catalog=7&manufactory=1320&DEPA=1|NewEgg InWin cases]. Note that shipping a big case like this isn't especially cheap. Also note that the Q500 only has 1 exposed 3.5" bay - you need an adapter bezel, etc., if you want to install something like a Zip drive with a floppy.

HTH a bit.
