Mr. Tim Grieve, of that secular ... commyunist WDYHASM (why do you hate..) org. known as [link|| Salon] is the one. He be the eagle-eyed catcher of this textbook example of the Arrant Hypocrisy (of so many manuevering Murican Pols / with a nite-school BS in BS.)

(I only pay them a measly $3/mo for making it rather easy to read, generally, literate takes on the stages of the daily degeneration of the 'Republic'. Ya gotta pay decent writers a tad more than i-net currency: free beer for all, all the time.) I lack both the patience and the interest/obsession to extract that occasional gem from a few, out of those 3666 blabbering blogs.

I'd accept the mantle of umm Dilettante in Creative Sloth? ;-)