and remember, we get a free pass
We're America. We're not bound by the standards by which lesser people are judged. For example: September 1983, USSR downs Korean Air Flight 747, killing all aboard. Act of international barbarism. July 1988, USA downs Iran Air Flight 655, killing all aboard. Regrettable accident and furthermore it was their own damn fault (some interesting background [link||here]). Nuke Iran? If the President ordains it, it is right and proper. Of course, he'll still scream bloody murder if the Iranians use their new antiship missiles (based on Russian technology, and apparently to the fabled French Exocet "as an F-22 is to a Spitfire") to go turkey-shooting at such fleet assets as we may have left unwisely sitting in the Gulf.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.