Doze.. as the old '53 Plymouth (your uncle gave you.)
Doze... your Legacy CP/M-ripoff on 5" floppies, with bolt-on 16-bitness - which you run long enough to get a few files over to the Modrin visage of your sleek new, rounded, Quality box.. until you can deliver the message to CP/M: Sorry old-timer, but it's 'ought-Six and you've been Outsourced.
[Alas, neighbor's new Powerbook is PowerPC :-/ else that new-hP could be on eBay before you can say Boot Camp in Swahili.]
But Then.. if I have this right: seems to me that, when attention finally turns to crafting nasties for *nix-like OSs / to expand all those keylogger profits - just mayhap the non-Intellish PowerPC guts shall not merit nearly so much $Attention from the MBA-savvy slimes (??) I'm presuming that a decent wealth-creating root kit du jour.. needs some assembly language goodness, as the competition gets tougher. But what do I know about porting.