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New Dumb question - does SQL Server have a BCP out command?
as Sybase does? If so, dump both tables to files, cut the extra column out of one, sort them and do an mgdiff against them.
Collapse Edited by Simon_Jester April 5, 2006, 07:07:19 PM EDT
Dumb question - does SQL Server have a BCP out command?
as Sybase does? If so, dump both tables to files, cut the extra column out of one, sort them and do an mgdiff against them.
Collapse Edited by Simon_Jester April 5, 2006, 07:08:12 PM EDT
sorry....clicked on the wrong button
New Yes.
The BCP command pretty much comes from the original Sybase implementation, with the usual Microsoft embrace and extend stuff.
     Dumb question - does SQL Server have a BCP out command? - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
         Yes. - (ChrisR)

You didn't need to share.
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