Asshole Lt. Calley and his village massacre?

'We' still haven't faced up to what Vietnam meant (about US) - why should we begin.. with Enron now? The last Big Scam (smaller than this) was the mere S&L Massive taxpayer ripoff.. Remember more than One Suit going to jail over that?

It faded from view pretty rapidly too..for the important stuff like: auto accidents and sex lives of the Rich & Horny.

(.. and we wanna export this 'system' worldwide?) Hey! we are: maquiladores and Wars on ____ this n'that are on the rise. Before WTC there was WTO !! Still is.)


Welcome to the Sucky Millennium - in 3-D Graphics with everyone safely isolated in little cubicles (or Golf courses for the Middle ones). Where's that Sleeping Giant [public awareness] when ya Need Him/Her!

.. at the mall?