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New Enron to big
Enron looks to be to big for the normal "sweep in under the rug and wait for it to blow over" thing. This looks more like a "find somebody to pin all of the blame on" sort of situation. This is doubly likely because there are so many politicians involved who need to shift some blame off of themselves.

One of the Enron senior executives will be the one to take the blame if it goes this way. It will have to be one high enough that all of the blame can be put on them, everybody else can claim they where decived, mislead or ordered by this person to cover up problems.

Expect the target to get hit with some seemingly huge fine and very likely a moderatly long jail sentence. Seemingly because while a few million dollars may seem like a huge fine, for somebody that make tens of millions a year it's just a major inconvience. The jail sentence will seem faily long at the start, but a year or two from know it will be reduced to time servered and they will go home.

They will probably be able to recoup all of the lost money by writing a book in which they blame everybody but themselves.

New Kinda like blaming the entire Vietnam massacre(s) on..
Asshole Lt. Calley and his village massacre?

'We' still haven't faced up to what Vietnam meant (about US) - why should we begin.. with Enron now? The last Big Scam (smaller than this) was the mere S&L Massive taxpayer ripoff.. Remember more than One Suit going to jail over that?

It faded from view pretty rapidly too..for the important stuff like: auto accidents and sex lives of the Rich & Horny.

(.. and we wanna export this 'system' worldwide?) Hey! we are: maquiladores and Wars on ____ this n'that are on the rise. Before WTC there was WTO !! Still is.)


Welcome to the Sucky Millennium - in 3-D Graphics with everyone safely isolated in little cubicles (or Golf courses for the Middle ones). Where's that Sleeping Giant [public awareness] when ya Need Him/Her!

.. at the mall?
     Enron: Crimes were committted - (marlowe) - (5)
         But Bigwigs in denial, and have good lawyers - (nking) - (2)
             Enron to big - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                 Kinda like blaming the entire Vietnam massacre(s) on.. - (Ashton)
         More bad Enron news - (wharris2) - (1)
             My favorite line from Batman Returns - (marlowe)

Full ahead flank!
37 ms