They just don't get that DRM is actually the added feature of no longer doing what they already do.
That's where the "or ignore it" comes in for me.
Then he points out that the next version of the ERP solution -- which is being force-sunsetted in Q2 -- will not be certified for XP. He then has has a choice between an insurmountable problem -- getting the ERP solution certified on XP -- and a surmountable problem -- getting you to certify a build containing the latest versions of both, getting you to sign on the line that it will work, and getting you to roll it out and support it. Which one do you think he'll do?
I know which one he'll do. I'll sign it under duress... with witnesses and a notary staing that I will only do this after careful consideration of the Board, after a presentation that explains the costs involved and how much the possible loss in production, financial implications to the bottom line, pointing out multiple problems with ging to soon. Then and only then, I'll avoid the signage.
iwetheyFreedom is not FREE.
Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars?
SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;
0 rows returned.