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New Corporately Owned Electorate
may very well be an improvement, Ash. Sounds to me as if your formative years were spent among what I'd call upper middle class -- engineers, [real] managers, high-end techs. My own boyhood was quite different: the "ownership" there was more Southern Baptist, and the local preacher had political power not too different from that of a mullah or sheikh.

How refreshing. HyperMegaCorp LLC doesn't want your soul, and doesn't care what you listen to/read/have sex with on your own time. Every day, in every way, we keep getting better and better --
New A smock or a suit?
Pastors Billy n'Bally ummm {ugh}

Must we choose ..

A) The earnestly deranged, but at least tryin to hep ya - to

B) The malevolently self-absorbed, who leave you alone simply 'cause they don't give a fuck what happens to you or yours?

Have you nothing oblique?

I think we have to reinvent the whole ball o'wax.. as to the idea of our bein a 'collective'. Oh, and stop buyin $150 shoes for kids with Swooshes on their butts (and also clogging their fledgling mentation). Raise em up right and maybe they won't turn out like their parents?

In other words: have no idea how we get outta this mess..
New Re: Corporately Owned Electorate
How refreshing. HyperMegaCorp LLC doesn't want your soul, and doesn't care what you listen to/read/have sex with on your own time. Every day, in every way, we keep getting better and better --

HyperMegaCorp may not want your soul, but that is only because they havn't found a way to extract money from it yet. And they certainly do care what you listen to/read/have sex with on your own time. If your doing something the company can somehow collect money from then you had better be doing it in a corporate approved manner and paying your corporate bill.

New Checks & balances.. VS 'Manpower Inc.' vs ZZzzzzz
In the old days we had trade guilds. Then unions - who brought us the 8-hour day and 40-hour week (well.. even less in enlightened places, by now) - over their heaped mauled bodies from SF to Detroit to Virginia coal mines.

Of course they also brought the union boss equiv. of suited CIEIO greed - surprise - but, there was a kind of balance.. one that is impossible when there's no organization *at all*. Then, ya get the Future:

Manpower Inc. SF chron even managed to reprint last Sun. the article about temps working in Si Valley (in To-Do List mag). Reporter, Raj Jayadev is Ed. of siliconvalleydebug.com .

Via interposing another layer between Manpower and HP ("MSL") -- the really shitty conditions incl. frequent lo-ball paychecks or delayed checks - can't be laid at your 'employer == HP' but at these inaccessible middle-slime. Etc. Exact same story as a has been written re those nice maquiladoras on our Southern border. Same complaints: right here in River City.

Natch there's no medical or other coverage. Mention organizing? yer Out -- as the author chronicles. Laws protecting your right to organize? In Bushie Murica 2002 - you jest. The Indians (from India) working there commented: these conditions wouldn't be gotten away with there, today - and he mentioned the techniques used to counter them (left over from being used on the British!).

Prediction: this sort of scam is Popular with suits and inevitable unless and until _____ (I won't even mention the Obvious)

Enjoy your toys assembled, boxed by these huddled masses - we are meant to be perenially distracted and.. it's working so far.
     I wonder if Bin Laden really understood our kulture - (boxley) - (13)
         Why yes, Bill - every night is Kristall Nacht.. - (Ashton)
         He only understood part of it - (nking) - (1)
             And.. we aren't?_____(close-enough for govt. work) -NT - (Ashton)
         No, bin Laden doesn't understand - (Ric Locke) - (9)
             Say what? - (jb4) - (3)
                 I think he means the sad sacks in charge -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                     No, all of us -- or most, anyways. - (Ric Locke) - (1)
                         The sense of ineptness may come from a misunderstanding - (Ashton)
             Makes sense to me - (Ashton) - (4)
                 Corporately Owned Electorate - (Ric Locke) - (3)
                     A smock or a suit? - (Ashton)
                     Re: Corporately Owned Electorate - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                         Checks & balances.. VS 'Manpower Inc.' vs ZZzzzzz - (Ashton)

It doesn’t get tagged as pathological, even if using it means you ignore actual people.
67 ms