IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New I must say.
I hope billg realizes that if Microsoft fail to follow through then he is going to get eaten for lunch.

Or maybe that's not a good hope to have...


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Just give me plenty of Maalox!
(Resistance is not futile...)
     Microsoft Makes Software Safety a Top Goal - (bluke) - (10)
         Izzat like the early automaker - (Ashton)
         Coughing losing chunks omg -NT - (wharris2)
         The ultimate non-sequitir - (jb4)
         To paraphrase Mr. Ghandi - (Silverlock)
         This kills me - (tuberculosis)
         Two from The Reg join the Incredulity Follies '02 - (Ashton)
         I must say. - (static) - (1)
             Just give me plenty of Maalox! -NT - (jb4)
         Is it really such a surprise? - (Steven A S)
         Safety == comfort level - (kmself)

Same thing we do every night, Pinky...
32 ms