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New I wonder if Bin Laden really understood our kulture
[link|http://womhist.binghamton.edu/aswpl/doc9.htm|come to the party!] yes it was a long time ago (not really) and the violent udersurface of America can get real ugly real fast. It would be a mistake for America's enemies to underestimate our ability to be brutal.

My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New Why yes, Bill - every night is Kristall Nacht..
in the land of God-fearin Christian folks followin their "precepts" about as well as they follow that Constitution thingie they allus mention, while wavin them flag-thingies..

And what better demo to the crusadin Other Folks in the world of, our devotion to Principle.. in thought and deed - I ask you.

We are truly The Master Race with the Biggest Nukes.

Who's gonna argue with That? And live. 'Specially on an otherwise full-boring Satiddy night, amidst one's fellow yahoos with the brains of a tick. Collectively.

BTW - lots of other stories at that link. Kinda makes ya proud o' The Peepul all over again.

Ashton Billy-Bob
y'aint seen Nothin yet.. Tune in daily to The War on Evil, brought to you by [but first a word from our Sponsor]
New He only understood part of it
based on his satelite dish that picked up US TV shows like "Baywatch", "The Dukes Of Hazzard", "Knightrider", "VIP", "M*A*S*H*", "Charlie's Angels", "Fantasy Island", and other shows. That plus the movies that Hollywood shipped over there and redubbed the vocals to Arabic. That is why they think we are "The Great Satan". They judge us by the media they see from us. Trash TV, helped them think we are just like that.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New And.. we aren't?_____(close-enough for govt. work)
New No, bin Laden doesn't understand
and neither do a lot of folks, it seems.

Stuff like Marianna [and some equally nasty things that went on in my very own home town, and some slightly less nasty things that were still happening as of around 1960-62] used to be swept under the rug. One of the very interesting byproducts of our fighting WWII with draftees and "mainstream" Americans, instead of the previous practice of staffing armies with gutter-sweepings and treating them that way, was the attitudes the GIs brought home.

Hiding that sort of thing away was no longer acceptable, and in the Fifties we made some tremendous strides in that respect. Anyone who claims it's all done and we can relax is too stupid to be listened to, but anyone who claims it's the same now as it's always been simply isn't paying attention -- or never got to see how it really was before. You may argue that it's a difference of degree but not in kind, but, dammit, we have a black man as Secretary of State and a black woman as one of the President's chief advisors; if you'd come to any random small town in the South in, say, 1960, and said that that would come to pass in forty years, you'd have generated a serious start at CWII right there.

The potential remains. There is, still, no particular reason for a rich person from any culture to move to the United States, but many reasons for a poor person to do so. We are, all of us, descended from the group that ranged from "tolerated" to "despised", where we aren't recent immigrants who are actually members of that group. Our culture is, yes, Ashton, our culture is that of rich soccer yobs. But the Good Warriors noticed that, and started to try to change it, and managed to do so in large part.

At the same time we managed a sea-change in economic status. Please note that if our war stocks hadn't been depleted during the Clinton administration, we would have funded the entire Afghanistan effort out of the training budget, and not missed the cash. The WTC is the biggest insurance loss after hurricanes, ever -- and nobody is seriously considering that the policy won't be paid off, or that the payoff will hurt anyone deeply. Even the loss of life on 9/11 was minor compared to normal -- as Jerry Pournelle put it, two months' highway casualties. Note an important fact: the reason for the highway casualties is that almost everyone in the United States has a car. Rich. The poverty level in the United States is many multiples of the per capita income of most countries, and per capita income overstates the income of the real "poor". There are corporations most people have never heard of with more cash flow than many of the Duck Soup republics of central and south America, let alone Africa.

And one of the things we've constantly tried over the years is to not be the 800-lb. gorilla. The Palestinians are mistreated [the reasons why are many and manifold, and aren't the point here]; but for years the United States has counseled the Israelis to go slow, be nice, don't get rough. We have actively avoided confrontation when possible, and when we did get into violent messes, as in Viet Nam, the operative philosophy was to keep the violence to a minimum. "Measured Response". I can't even remember what Bobby MacNamara and the Whiz Kids called it -- the idea that just enough force should be used to change the other guy's mind.

Didn't work, of course.

Bin Laden and the Arabs don't understand any of that. They don't understand that what's been holding us back is the timorousness of the below-stairs crew being afraid of accusations of aping our betters. They don't understand that, despite Marxist propaganda, the United States has not, in general, been an Imperial nation. (We don't want to conquer your pissant country, dammit; running our own is hard enough.) And they definitely don't understand that we're not just surface rich like some oil sheikh; we're rich in depth, and can afford to do pretty much as we like.

They also don't understand that we've been where they are, discovered that it didn't work, and have pushed that tactic on the back burner. In fact, the most contemptible thing about the KKK and similar groups is that they've been trying to do what the Radical Islamic Fundamentalists are also trying -- to modify the course of the United States (and the West in general) by isolated acts of violence. We've done the Crusade bit; it didn't work. We've done the Revolution bit; it sort of worked, but it isn't permanent. We've done the Led by God bit; it winds up in the swamp. We've done the Kill a [X] for God bit; that doesn't work either.

If you want to play by our rules, welcome to the game, but we don't give out many favors -- if your batting average won't make the cut, you don't get to join the majors, and that's the end of it. If you don't want to play by our rules, fine by us, but keep your trash off the playing field, you dig?

So the truly, truly worst part of 9/11 and our response is -- much of that will go by the boards. As of August, you could still find lots of sympathizers for the Palestinians here -- and I use the Palestinians only as a sort of exemplar, you understand -- but as of September, lots fewer and their influence is reduced. American response to the notion that we're being cruel to the Afghani prisoners is: ::shrug:: So what? And about the time that looks like changing, CNN plays another clip of one of them fighting the soldiers like they're on crack or something, and we go ::shrug:: again.

In one of the Clancy novels, the President tells his SecDef that he wants the other guys wetting their pants before the first American soldier steps off the plane. I don't like that; I'd prefer to be respected. But if that's the only way to keep the assholes off our backs, ::shrug::. It worked for Nicky.

I happen to think that in the process we'll screw up the system that got us rich and powerful in the first place, but that's just me.
New Say what?
They don't understand that what's been holding us back is the timorousness of the below-stairs crew being afraid of accusations of aping our betters.

To quote the Firesign Theater: "Waddayoo mean by that?"

(Except for that tortured phrase, however, a good, well thought-out piece...Nicely done!)
(Resistance is not futile...)
New I think he means the sad sacks in charge
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New No, all of us -- or most, anyways.
We are mostly descended from the underclass. That's one of the reasons we tend to get so irate when somebody gets "snooty".

But an undercurrent of that is a fairly continuous worry that we're overstepping our bounds. Very few Americans I know are immune to it, though reactions to it vary. Some people are timorous, some overcompensate by being boisterous and overbearing, some accept it to the point of attack [tourists in Madras-plaid Bermuda shorts]; but there's always some evidence of our class origins, and a little nervousness that we aren't behaving quite correctly or don't know the fine points of etiquette in situations.

Which is ridiculous. Two hundred and twenty-four years; Great Britain has been a country, with no hiatus, for longer; how many more such are there? In point of actual fact, we're not a young country any more -- we're quite an old country. La belle France? Pooh. Not even sixty years; why are we listening to these parvenus? :-)
New The sense of ineptness may come from a misunderstanding
of monumental scope - and the secret worship of the Rich is the partial result. It was at least reasonable.. to despise the arrogance of the landed gentry - while simultaneously admiring their er discrimination, the fruits of an expensive education.

But somewhere we went all simplistic - and thought we were admiring them, mostly: for the fact that they'd stolen a disproportionate share of *everything* ie.. were 'rich'. So.. any fool saw he* could finally become (merely) rich too. Just spend a life making that your only goal, become obsessive and never learn shit about anything but $.

* she too.. but only a few at first. Took til 1920 afore females were deemed to be just as capable as the men - of voting for assholes who talked pretty, but spent 90% of their term raising $ for the next one.

Eureka: the nuvo-riche! - and on their walls.. not a Picasso, but a rilly expen$ive (signed and numbered) Soup Can; the Rolex not the (who ever heard of.. Vacheron et Constantin?) .. and on down to the 1959 FIN (with attached Cadillac). Excess was sure to follow. (And we wonder about.. bloatware ??)

Well - something like that.

Ashton Analyses Ltd
we'll tell ya went wrong
(but we don't fix stuff)
New Makes sense to me
..even (on certain occasions) the ::shrug:: - that is, amidst such things as The Unpleasantness at the Belonna Club or like right now: some o' us Muricans have a certain tendency to want to fingerprint every Angel dancing on ary pin, on every 'issue' [Not Mee! Noo..]

Yes, as said - I think that Osama et al hadn't a clue re the 'depth' of resources, as you put it - and while he was swift enough to notice the tawdry nature of our customary entertainments and our often solipsistic.. personal quests to umm own at least One of Every Thing? - his grievous error was to presume that, not just a majority but *all* Muricans are as shallow and also so consumption besotted as to.. stand about in helpless confusion after WTC.

(But then, he's hardly alone in both these naive presumptions and in his Rightousness.) Every True Believer is Certain\ufffd that s/he Knows what is best for *ALL* - and will kill you to save yer 'soul'. THAT factoid is likely a built-in natural defense for that aforementioned *ALL* IMhO. The ones we have most to worry about are the Ones as clever as a G\ufffdbbels, a man capable of inventing and boldfaced calling it! The Ministry of Propaganda. See what just poor (in spirit, that is) autistic addled-Billy has done with this concept, in the jejeune mercantile world! - and just for mere $$/Power (not a Messiah Wannabe. Yet.?.)

{sigh} Fortunately then: we are facing the addled of the Addled. This time. But remember too, the decline (the dumbth) locally. Many Muricans remain ignorant of our history, of what's in the Constitution.. and don't have the foggiest what (even) 'HUAC' means, meant. This situation makes us vulnerable to the next G-like truly virtuoso manipulator of slogans. I have no idea How vulnerable, but am prepared to aver that Ignorance Kills.

I'll breathe a lot easier.. when the rollback of Ashcroft's 'Millennium Permanent Idiocy' Laws commences in earnest. (Yes and UCITA, the not quite dead SSSC whatever That becomes next). And when the USSC has - over ~ a decade? - somehow overcome the shame of the junk-logic within last years's machinations - such as incurred the wrath of all political polarities: who ever went to law school - or run one today. That wasn't even 'RightWing\ufffd' - that was 200 proof cockamamie (to use the technical term).

We weren't nearly so-much a Corporate-owned 'electorate' back when most consumers were also citizens: and voted, as best they could wade through the tripe slogans. Where's HL Mencken when we really Need him?

We might make it back to that level of citizenship. We might not. Crap shoot. Meanwhile, we seem to be muddling on adequately against at least, the real Loonies. Pity we have to eat the inane slogans which Bushie just must repeat endlessy, in lieu of reading a bit o' Churchill for leavening.. and variety.


think: Pres. Cheney be just a pretzel away :(
New Corporately Owned Electorate
may very well be an improvement, Ash. Sounds to me as if your formative years were spent among what I'd call upper middle class -- engineers, [real] managers, high-end techs. My own boyhood was quite different: the "ownership" there was more Southern Baptist, and the local preacher had political power not too different from that of a mullah or sheikh.

How refreshing. HyperMegaCorp LLC doesn't want your soul, and doesn't care what you listen to/read/have sex with on your own time. Every day, in every way, we keep getting better and better --
New A smock or a suit?
Pastors Billy n'Bally ummm {ugh}

Must we choose ..

A) The earnestly deranged, but at least tryin to hep ya - to

B) The malevolently self-absorbed, who leave you alone simply 'cause they don't give a fuck what happens to you or yours?

Have you nothing oblique?

I think we have to reinvent the whole ball o'wax.. as to the idea of our bein a 'collective'. Oh, and stop buyin $150 shoes for kids with Swooshes on their butts (and also clogging their fledgling mentation). Raise em up right and maybe they won't turn out like their parents?

In other words: have no idea how we get outta this mess..
New Re: Corporately Owned Electorate
How refreshing. HyperMegaCorp LLC doesn't want your soul, and doesn't care what you listen to/read/have sex with on your own time. Every day, in every way, we keep getting better and better --

HyperMegaCorp may not want your soul, but that is only because they havn't found a way to extract money from it yet. And they certainly do care what you listen to/read/have sex with on your own time. If your doing something the company can somehow collect money from then you had better be doing it in a corporate approved manner and paying your corporate bill.

New Checks & balances.. VS 'Manpower Inc.' vs ZZzzzzz
In the old days we had trade guilds. Then unions - who brought us the 8-hour day and 40-hour week (well.. even less in enlightened places, by now) - over their heaped mauled bodies from SF to Detroit to Virginia coal mines.

Of course they also brought the union boss equiv. of suited CIEIO greed - surprise - but, there was a kind of balance.. one that is impossible when there's no organization *at all*. Then, ya get the Future:

Manpower Inc. SF chron even managed to reprint last Sun. the article about temps working in Si Valley (in To-Do List mag). Reporter, Raj Jayadev is Ed. of siliconvalleydebug.com .

Via interposing another layer between Manpower and HP ("MSL") -- the really shitty conditions incl. frequent lo-ball paychecks or delayed checks - can't be laid at your 'employer == HP' but at these inaccessible middle-slime. Etc. Exact same story as a has been written re those nice maquiladoras on our Southern border. Same complaints: right here in River City.

Natch there's no medical or other coverage. Mention organizing? yer Out -- as the author chronicles. Laws protecting your right to organize? In Bushie Murica 2002 - you jest. The Indians (from India) working there commented: these conditions wouldn't be gotten away with there, today - and he mentioned the techniques used to counter them (left over from being used on the British!).

Prediction: this sort of scam is Popular with suits and inevitable unless and until _____ (I won't even mention the Obvious)

Enjoy your toys assembled, boxed by these huddled masses - we are meant to be perenially distracted and.. it's working so far.
     I wonder if Bin Laden really understood our kulture - (boxley) - (13)
         Why yes, Bill - every night is Kristall Nacht.. - (Ashton)
         He only understood part of it - (nking) - (1)
             And.. we aren't?_____(close-enough for govt. work) -NT - (Ashton)
         No, bin Laden doesn't understand - (Ric Locke) - (9)
             Say what? - (jb4) - (3)
                 I think he means the sad sacks in charge -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                     No, all of us -- or most, anyways. - (Ric Locke) - (1)
                         The sense of ineptness may come from a misunderstanding - (Ashton)
             Makes sense to me - (Ashton) - (4)
                 Corporately Owned Electorate - (Ric Locke) - (3)
                     A smock or a suit? - (Ashton)
                     Re: Corporately Owned Electorate - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                         Checks & balances.. VS 'Manpower Inc.' vs ZZzzzzz - (Ashton)

We are gonna party all... night... LONG!
54 ms