Given that definition of "liberal"...
...we should sweep the next election that is framed fully on any so-called liberal/conservative schism!
Bring it on!
34% and falling....
"Every Repbulican who wants to defend Bush on [the expansion of Presidential powers], should be forced to say, 'I wouldn't hesitate to see President Hillary Rodham Clinton have the same authority'."
&mdash an unidentified letter writer to Newsweek on the expansion of executive powers under the Bush administration
Edited by
March 6, 2006, 10:18:12 AM EST
Given that definition of "liberal"...
...we should sweep the nect exlection that is framed fully on any so-called liberal/conservative schism!
Bring it on!
34% and falling....
"Every Repbulican who wants to defend Bush on [the expansion of Presidential powers], should be forced to say, 'I wouldn't hesitate to see President Hillary Rodham Clinton have the same authority'."
&mdash an unidentified letter writer to Newsweek on the expansion of executive powers under the Bush administration