Is the standard shill offer of Every CC co:

Pay down your debts! with some Free Money from us (for a few months)
(so we get to collect (your self-tax for buying everything you can't afford): Later.)

ie it should be routine - for each / any of the CC trade to expect that a few will respond, consolidate All their debts into one gigantic full-steam Titanic. Via precisely those same pre-printed Free Checks cha cha cha

Then of course, should they cancel all those bad-old accounts which lured them into profligacy - - - so shall their total credit-limit shrink accordingly; ergo their CC Rating Magic Number, as determines interest/usury rates ==

They. shall. pay. More. APR/usury after the free-ride ends. Etc.

(And we're supposed to expect our innumerate kiddies to figure out such transcendent equations.. when they get to be innumerate adult-spending kiddies?)

Jeez, the Fun never stops, when you're in a death-spiral and the ice is melting