Natural Causes | | 53% | \r\nBomb | | 40% | \r\nSuicide | | 33% | \r\nGunshot | | 27% | \r\nDisappear | | 20% | \r\nStabbed | | 13% | \r\nPosion | | \r\n13% | \r\nAccident | | 7% | \r\nDisease | | 0% | \r\nSuffocated | | 0% | \r\nCut Throat | | 0% | \r\nDrowning | | 0% | \r\nEaten | | 0% |
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Natural Causes
Natural Causes | | 53% | Bomb | | 40% | Suicide | | 33% | Gunshot | | 27% | Disappear | | 20% | Stabbed | | 13% | Posion | | 13% | Accident | | 7% | Disease | | 0% | Suffocated | | 0% | Cut Throat | | 0% | Drowning | | 0% | Eaten | | 0% |
[link||How Will You Die??]
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