(and it is that, IMhO too)
Couldn't likely ever be instigated here - at least pre- National epiphany about 'wealth' and other difficult 6-letter words.
Why.. it would mean, revealing to The Court, against a long-running local taboo: how much one Makes! / is 'worth'. Then there'd be the bugaboo about a National coordinated database on Everyone. And That is not so silly a concern, given homo-sap behavior, the proliferation of the M$ Insecurity Virus all over and ___ well, we all know what else.
But final ax is: 'we' are in abject denial about the sanity of our Corporate laws making it possible for one humanoid to control $50B worth of "power over others' lives" - while 20-25% of Murican children live below the poverty level (Oh and.. lots else in similar vein). No One wants to face the Ogre which completely unrestrained vulture capitalism has created. And damn sure No One WANTS to contemplate what it means that: 3-5% own over half of all there is to 'own'.
ie all this bucket of worms would need to be addressed before: such a sane policy might be instigated into the tender consumer psyches of the Murican Peepul. Y'see?
(Finns I take it, are less reluctant to call a spade a umm spade. Here euphemism is the National parlor game. We lie to ourselves a lot.. but please to call it Patriotism)