Bush as little-Jesus, and the % garnered via that perception, alone - surely affirms the ancient observation, that we are perpetually

..a few paces from the mouth of the cave.
(Never mind the i-Pods, 'internets' and other commodity distractions):

Boo !!! sends (too-)many psyches right back to the stonings and flayings (now: nukings) implanted in that vestigial reptile brain. That brain has no idea about words/Reason nor any concept of ~ a small blue-white planet floating alone in the dark? | the interconnectedness of all its lifeforms?

Nope, two-state brain: Fear and !-Fear, in any given moment.
The 'scriptures' are there to mollify that brute, (if one chooses the more beneficent interpretation of the motives of the scribes, and especially of - their multitudinous editors.) Fragile dance, all that.