From a little story in the February 27 issue of Autoweek.
Bruce Crower, of [link||Crower], has patented a 6-stroke engine. The other two strokes remove heat from the cylinder by water injection, and the steam pushes the piston down. It's a neat idea (e.g., less waste heat lost to the cooling system), but I wonder about reliability (e.g. corrosion and oil dilution). Also, efficiency is lost by having to heat up the cylinder and piston again (the [link||Otto cycle efficiency] is maximum for high temperatures, pressures and compression ratios). Whether or not the temperature change is less than in a 4-cycle, I can't say.
He's built a 1-cylinder prototype, but has no data to back up his expectations that full-size versions will consume 40% less fuel and have lower emissions than 4-cycle engines. He's also working on a diesel version.
Unfortunately, nothing about it shows up in my search at the [link||USPTO], nor in a search of [link||Patent Applications].
[edit:] An online Autoweek article by Pete Lyons on it is [link||here]. It's longer than the few paragraphs in the magazine. It mentions a certain Jim Rathmann as well. Hmmm... :-)