Re: Sydney drivers r pretty good these days - tis the K1W1s
that are a bloody menace to life & limb.
New Zealand drivers are pathetic (I know cos I wos one) - funny thing is that each time I visit NZ I revert to the aggressive mad driving style so common there yet when I get back to Sydney I am happy to be polite & wait (except I do get realllllyyyy pissed at those bastards who drive in a T2 or T3 lane in Sydney during peak hours, with only one person in the car - I am guilty of giving intense British 2-fingered salutes to them.
(T2 & T3 lanes mandate that during peak hours there must be 2 (T2) or 3 (T3) passengers in a vehicle using that lane. Purpose is to encourage vehicle sharing. 'cept some Aussies are just rude drivers & ignore the signs (not enough police to enforce them).
Doug (now in HK where I don't know what a car is :-)