And Rick's likely right re the 'samplers'. Generally I find that the way someone writes about motorcycles - is a kind of Rorschak. (Actually the best ~ description for the non-rider I've read, was by a female rider maybe in her late 20s. Mainly - she was a good writer. But also an obviously competent cyclist.)

'Course other folks can attach the same significance to their fav topics too - but I find cycles overlap into much that Muricans imagine to be their version of Mexican machismo, so the concept branches into other social in(s)anities. Fact is: it ain't about gender BS at all IMexcellentO. You can See God.. at 10/10ths ;-)

So I've got the Pratchett tyro list ready for next foray to the local used paperback emporium, about the largest library of such around.. Hmmm why do they have So many copies of Ishtar?

Good Omens added - Hey! if Terry Gilliam does it, why.. we might see some Vincents in there. He be Brit. One Brit production of 1984 employed some members of the Vincent OC to ride around on Thought Police bikes: using slightly fibre-glassed up Series D machines. These featured full weather enclosure.. which worked - but natch some thought that was Too scooter-like :( So you could also order them naked.
(Nobody ever made a scooter like those..)

If anyone notices Gilliam actually going into production - please give a holler!
