Well, after swapping left and right around, anyway.
Red-light cameras have pretty much put a stop to #5, thankfully.
#6 works! I've borrowed my Dads old Kingswood sometimes, and it's like parting the red sea or something.
#14 is my primary annoyance on the roads.
#20, however, is more like "The Green light isn't there to regulate the flow of traffic, it's there just so you can floor it, be the first, and show all the other drivers you're compensating for a very small willy." Guess it ties in with #22.
Sydney needs a #24, something like "Remember, it is your obligation to be talking on your mobile phone at all times. It takes priority over sundry activities like indicating, or looking where you're going. The only looking you should do is for police cars, so you don't get booked"