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New AI
I don't think I have any real spoilers here.

My wife dragged me to it a few days ago. I was expecting heart-warming sweetness surrounding a cute little boy robot.

The opening scene made it clear that wasn't happening, just by the lighting.

The ghost of Kubrik is very present. This is an extremely slow and deliberate piece of cinematic art. Very, very good - but there were four people in the theater that night, and I expect a number of people who brought young children (other nights, there were none this time) were unhappy - the pacing is not child friendly, and neither are some of the adventures and characters.

The usual Kubrik exploration of what it means to be human by means of characters that stretch the definition is there. David (the AI) is a prototype, and loves genuinely, but expresses that love rather coldly and (this I consider a great thing about the movie) never turns cute or seems particularly real. Gigolo Joe (exactly what he sounds like - he's a sex mecha) on the other hand, acts much warmer and is a much more realistic imitation of a human. But his feelings are only simulated.

There are no warm, likable characters.

There is no romantic subplot.

The story is a fairy tale - Pinoccio. It doesn't attempt to be technicaly beleivable.

This ia a very, very good movie. Not a fun movie, not a kid movie, not a date movie for most relationships. This is fairly serious cinematic art.
White guys in suits know best
- Pat McCurdy
New My one gripe... (minor contextual spoiler)
This shouldn't give away the ending at all.

They should have ended the film at the Ferris Wheel, or done a MUCH better job of making the ending make a little more sense.
New Agreed - Re: My one gripe... (minor contextual spoiler)
I wrote something reccomending walking out at the end of that scene - it is a good ending, and the third act is nowhere near the quality of the first two. It feels almost as if the film was done and a focus group or studio executive ordered a new ending.

On the other hand, that third act would be OK on a less intense movie.

But I cut that bit in order to present a spoiler-free review.
White guys in suits know best
- Pat McCurdy
New is it adaptable to the small screen?
Certain things make it impossible for me to go to the movies right now. (a wife and 6 kids who want to watch 4 different movies atr 12$ each with drink)
who only goes to the theater when travelling on business.
can I have my ones and zeros back?
New Might lose impact
Partly because of the slow pacing. I can't see myself sitting for over two hours uninterrupted in my house.

I think it would still be good on the small screen. I'm not sure if the aspect ratio would be a problem, I didn't notice any real width issues, but I wasn't looking for them either.

This might be the movie that convinces me to get a DVD player.

White guys in suits know best
- Pat McCurdy
     AI - (mhuber) - (4)
         My one gripe... (minor contextual spoiler) - (inthane-chan) - (1)
             Agreed - Re: My one gripe... (minor contextual spoiler) - (mhuber)
         is it adaptable to the small screen? - (boxley) - (1)
             Might lose impact - (mhuber)

It's like an alien game of "keep-away."
34 ms