When given a choice of three descriptions for the development of life on Earth, people were asked which one or ones they would like to see taught in science lessons in British schools:
44% said creationism should be included
41% intelligent design
69% wanted evolution as part of the science curriculum.

At least 13% of the surveyed people wanted creationism AND evolution taught in science classes. That's at least 13% who don't know what either means or couldn't make up their mind on the spot. That 31% who don't want evolution taught would suggest a religious segment except church attendance is poor in the UK. Religion barely makes headlines in the UK whereas global warming does. Instead, most of them believe by default, rather than for any hard reason.

I suspect most of that 41% asked what intelligent design means and thought it sounded reasonable when told without knowing how baseless it is.

To me, this indicates that few care about these things. Dark Ages? More like an intellectual malaise. Now, vivisection and animal experimentation. That's different.