B & W pic ~ 50 yrs old (shown on PBS a couple times last year). Misanthrope guy sets up his Bolex 16 mm, shows exactly how he built his cabin, contents -- in Alaska IIRC, incl. stone fireplace. 99+% from the local materials (except for plastic vapor-barrier, roll of tarpaper for the sod/moss roof, about which he demonstrated remorse.)

24K hits on Google; seems to be out, in all meeja.

Fascinating chronicle, near-perfectionist handiwork (but with the first snows as inescapable deadline.) Makes his cookware, sink, etc. with tin cut from large cans, also hinges for his privy + its bear-'proof' door with lock.

First wooden artifact he makes for the camera:

A SPOON, much like your heart's desire. How-to is a few minutes of the flick. Et ... viola!

(He stayed there 35 years; occasional sea- ski- plane flights to adjacent lake bringing condiments, vegetable plants, etc. Thoroughly efficient outdoorsman, but I wouldn't want to live around his persona.. for more than a few days.)