Often it seems that 'we' are much more focussed upon judgments First.. Agree also that the math is important. Once the real frauds are reduced to some acceptable level - just get on with it.

Unfortunately, lots of folks with scripture-guidance (a majority if one believes what they tell pollsters) - omit reading such juicy bits as, judge not lest ye be.. and that other one, vengeance is Mine! saith..

My view is that - the scurrilous example of Billy n'Bally, the rush by many bizness types to emulate them in Machiavellian ruthlessness - has led to a noticeable increase in cynicism all around (logically - since it is more justified now).

Fallout from this is.. the kinds of crap Bill C. put his imprimatur on - in the last 'welfare' rewriting; getting single mothers back to 'work' at min. wage and with no benefits.. as their unsupervised tykes learn how to listen to Cop-killing, bitch-slapping rappers - to form their social awareness.

Another crap shoot. Nobody has time to do much more than fill some Corp cubicle 50 weeks a year. We all live in the overall result. No 'solutions' in sight..
