but like anything else it can be taken too far. News Flash: Rats Fed Tons of [X] Get Cancer. reductio ad absurdum
This is especially true when, as now, the "system" is brought into the public eye as entertainment. I feel sure that somewhere there is a betting line on the decisions of the Supreme Court, and --
Hey, I know! Mud Wrestling! Convert the podium area in the Senate chamber into a mud pit [not much modification necessary] and let 'em wrestle instead of debating. It'd be more honest than what goes on now, and C-SPAN could start selling lots of soap like the Big Guys.
Nah. Not enough bang. Perhaps duels on the Mall with 81mm mortars... yeah, that's more the ticket. Lots of flashes and bangs, ambulance sirens for the losers, big ratings for the six o'clock news. The groundskeepers would object, but phooey on them. News! News! Getcher News Here! Sen. Kennedy's squad retreats to take cover behind the Viet Nam Veterans' Memorial, and the Republicans are bringing up more troops. And now for a word from our sponsors.